Apb reloaded best wepon for aimbot
Apb reloaded best wepon for aimbot

Against other smg, the ACES rifle will seem to be overpowered (low recoil, faster ROF, excellent reload speed, huge magazine count, very accurate and controllable even in a full auto mag dump, etc) but when fighting against other rifles in mid-range (where most rifles excel) the ACES rifle will easily be beaten. It is easily beaten by the weapons in their supposed category. However, just like how the ACES rifle is an smg that wants to be a rifle, the VAS C2 is a rifle that wants to be an smg and thus shares the same weakness as the ACES rifle. The VAS C2 was introduced to counter the dominance of NTECs at low-mid range (25m-40m) and since the majority of APB players use the NTEC, they find the VAS C2 to be overpowered as it is hard to beat them with an NTEC. The VAS C2 has a lot of range (40m while most smg have a max range of 30m and most rifles have max range of ~50m) and the troublemaker variant has reduced recoil, making the VAS C2 much more manageable than even the NTEC rifle. The VAS C2 was supposed to be a hybrid between assault rifle and smg but retaining most of the characteristics of assault rifle (base accuracy, range, etc) just like how the ACES rifle was supposed to be a hybrid between smg and assault rifle but retains most of the characteristics of smg (fast ROF, lower range than rifles, faster reload speed, etc). The VAS C2 also takes one more shot to kill than the NTEC (7 shots-to-kill for the VAS C2 and 6 shots-to-kill for the NTEC). The VAS C2 actually has a TTK of 0.7s which is slightly lower than the TTK of the NTEC at ~0.72s. To date, i believe only the shaw lmg and the nfas shotgun has a time-to-kill of ~0.5s. 7 time to kill bullet/damage/shotspeed combinations go and are upping the bar again with a spread of faster time to kill guns.

apb reloaded best wepon for aimbot

They may have exhausted the possibilities as far as the.

apb reloaded best wepon for aimbot

68 or so seconds of nearly every gun in the game and is a lazer cannon. I've not seen any stats on the gun and it has been a few weeks. The result is the game pulls in a lot of money and the players get a weapon they know is unfair. Naturally people playing the game are greedy also. Originally posted by Athens:Trouble maker is what happens when the people running the game throw their morals to the wind and go for the greed grab.

Apb reloaded best wepon for aimbot